volunteer overview

Our volunteers are the heart of our operation

FELT is a based on the foundation of volunteer, donor-generated charity. All proceeds go directly to providing homeless children nutritious food while not in school.

Our volunteers graciously give their time and resources without compensation or reimbursement.

volunteer services

Our Volunteers

Patricia “Ann” Albani
Maryann Allen
Abigail Almy
Alison Almy
Zoey Almy
Kim Bailey
Joann Balistrieri
Tony Balistrieri
Dawn Barbour
Brooke Bentley
Kimberly Bentley
Marilyn Berg
Barbara Bischoff
Marlene Blalock
Susan Bonnet
Jodi Boyatt
Dee Brown
Debra Brown
Sally Burr
Brian Burress
Sally Butterworth
Kathryn Cabrera
Delores Campos
Ignacio Campos
Patricia Caravetta
Megan Carter
Megan Castellow
April Cintron
David Clarkson
Tina Colagiovanni
Nancy Comingore
Betty Conard
Jill Cooper
Dan Corman
Chris Cotter
Linda Courtright
Phil Courtright
Lisa Cross
Sandra Curto
William Curto
Kathleen Daly
Anne Danis
Hubert Danis
Bob Davis
Natalie Davis
Jim De Bolt
Claudia Del-Zoppo
Tracey Demino
Jamey Dodson
Donald Dominick
Donna Dominick
Jennifer Douglas
Robert Dove
Jeanne Earnhart
Louis Elias
Norris Elswick
Christine Emmons
Bill Ever
Renee Ewing
Linda Farmer
Victoria Feazell
Nancy Felton
Dorothy Frederick

Sue Freeman
Shannon Freihaut
Tom Freihaut
Barry Furman
Cynthia Furness
Amy Gardner
Gloria Geary
John Geary
Jean Gentry
Faith George
Paul Gillen
Ariana Gilloody
Dylan Glover
Sister Carolyn Glynn
Annie Gordon
Robert Gordon
Rita Gorski
Kathy Gray
Aubrey Greeley
Meta Green
David Greer
Lisa Greer
Heather Gunnel
Madison Hall
Patricia Hall
Barbara Hance
Gene Hans
Judi Hans
Kathy Hansen
Brittany Hartmeyer
Kelly Hillman
Harvey Hittner
Helen Hodges
Diane Honeman
Emily Horton
Mileah Hudgins
Sara Hudgins
William Hunkele
Gail Huston
Jammal James
Greg Jenkins
Andres Jeronimo
Denise Johnson
Denise Johnson
Billie Jones
Jerry Jones
Paige Jones
Danielle Jorge – Gordon
Nan Kaftan
Jamie Kahns
Baron Kamp
Patricia Keal
Bill Keenan
Linda Keenan
Cindy Keeton
Rebekah Ketty
Rebecca Ketty
Elmar Kiefer
Georgia Kiefer
Aaron Klein
Nicole Klein
Pat Kury

Megan Layne
Jessica Lehr
Lynn Lowrimore
Randall Lowrimore
John Lynn
Denise Macmac
George Macmac
Pam Marck
Terri Marcus
Billie Mason
Elainie Mason
Muffet Mason
Billie Mason
Howard McAbee
Linda Mcabee
Robin McCormick
Telese McKay
Jill McKinney
Abigail McNulty
Brandi Mcnulty
Emma McNulty
Kevin McNulty
Alex Mellgren
Candy Meluch
Nancy Miller
Cindy Mitchell
Kelly Moffatt
Angela Moon
Dick Moore
Brent Mosher
Pat Mosher
Shyla Murphy
Phillip Musin
Shirley Nadeau
Allison Nelson
Ann Nelson
Sonia Nicholas
Rita Northrup
Julia Olsen
Thor Olsen
Judi Parker
Nicole Parker
Alexandria Parrish
Karen Parsons
Christy Parsons
Donald Parsons
Paula Pashoian
Shanker & Shushila Patel
Derek Patti
Cheryl Peggs
Donald Peggs
Cindy Perinetti
Robert Perinetti
Don Peterson
Bailey Pickett
MaryBeth Poncin
Del Potter
Ariana Pratt
Celeste Preseault
Dianna Price
Paulette Print
Jean Prodoehl

Dibias Ramos
Carolyn Ratliff
Deana Reemelin
Jack Reiser
Todd Rentschuer
Gina Riley
Robert Riley
Erick Romerc
Debra Ruggerio
Al Rullmann
Lu Rupert
Kerrie Rupprecht
Bea Rutland
Alexandra Ryherd
Caitlyn Ryherd
Jessica Ryherd
Oliver Ryherd
Sarala Ryherd
Rose Savosik
Kim Savvides
Mario Savvides
Ann Saylors
Laura Schafer
Kimberly Schulz
Jayne Shacket
Gail Sherer
Betty Sickle
Nancy Slocum
Carolyn Slone
Marianne Small
Renee Smith
Theresa Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Howard Smith
Leticia Smith
Renee Smith
MaryBeth Smithson
Tina Snyder
Frances Soechtig
Donna Spangler
Jim Spangler
Sid Spector
Carol Staley
Noble Staley
Ginny Storey
Susan Street
Sheri Teele
Frank Thomas
Justin Tinkham
Jennifer Tonge-Martin
Bobbie Trask
Susan Turley
Gail Turner
Richard Turner
Priscilla Utter
Gina VanDyck
Kristi Vole
Lisa Wagner
Susan L Wedel
Kimberly Welch
Vivian Wellman
Chuck West
Gina White

Rodney Williams Sandy Willis Terry Wilson Vaishalee Wilson Tricia Yandle Marlene Yonko Melverna Blanchard Ignace Calixte A.Edward Misner Mary D. Misner Daniel Jr. Conway Nancy Cousins W Lee Miller Bobbi Miller Julie Fitzpatrich Ryan Fitzpatrich Susan Pannell Karen Ramser Donald Fernald Laura Schafer Jill Harrison Donna Kutinsky Erin LaLonde Karl Lamitie Terri Lamitie Linda Larson Sharon Lawliss Mike Prodoehl Melissa Quiming Michael Rahilly Lisa Raina
Eythan Wiggins
Diane Williams
Howard Williams


Our Volunteers help fill backpacks on Fridays with food for six weekend meals.


Volunteers deliver food packs to schools Friday afternoons.

Donation Marketplace

Volunteers can help promote in-kind donations to local businesses,


We always welcome assistance from out volunteers to help with events.

priceless Benefits

High school students can earn community benefit credits by volunteering.


Volunteers can help with fundraisers to increase donations.

Join us and get involved

We welcome retirees, parents and their beloved kids to join our team of volunteers. CLICK THE BUTTON TO REACH OUT AND CONECT.